Thursday, January 15, 2009

My Schedule

Last quarter I took 14 credit hours. I had all kinds of breaks throughout the day. I had class Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and I worked 8 hours Tuesday and Thursday. My Wednesdays were horrible. I would be at school for 12 hours minus McDonald's runs and going home (which is about 10-15 minutes away depending on how fast you drive) to get my bass. Monday and Wednesday, a few of my friends and I had a break for a couple of hours at lunch time. We were lifting weights early in the quarter but stopped after a few weeks and began playing poker with condiment cups, pens, and McDonald's apple pie boxes substituting chips.

This quarter is very different. Since I work at a golf course, I am not needed year round and am not working during this quarter. My boss also told me to learn a lot, so I am taking 20 credit hours. I was fortunate to be able to schedule my classes blocked together in the middle of the day. Only later did I realize that I am not hungry enough to eat in the mornings of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and that when I am done, it is too close to dinnertime to eat (I still live at home). I actually tried it once. I made a stop at McDonald's, got two big macs and ate Chinese for dinner. I got sick the next day. So that's not happening again. Despite the fact that I am not working, I feel that I have less time on my hands. So far, it hasn't bothered me too much. I still spend some time with my friends after school. That's about all I have for now. I have no idea what I will get into next week so stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I'm kind of confused about your blog, I believe this blog is basically about trying to manage time. It's a good point but choose one topic and stay on it, your all over the map here and that makes it confusing.
